Five talks on the Poincaré Conjecture

John Morgan

Columbia University


Monday, October 13, through Friday, October 17, 2003

4:30 – 5:30 PM

Where:     MBI Lecture Hall (MA240)
               Mathematics Department
               Ohio State University
               231 W. 18th Ave.
               Columbus, OH 43210

Streaming Video of the Lectures (RealOne Player Required):

Note: Due to technical difficulties, the wrong video for day 2 was recorded, but the audio is correct. This video also starts approximately 8 minutes into the lecture.

Professor John Morgan is well known, not only for his mathematical research in topology and algebraic geometry, but also as a superb expositor of mathematics to general mathematical audiences. Professor Morgan will tell the modern mathematical story of the Poincaré Conjecture: Thurston Geometrization, Hamilton’s ‘Ricci flow’ method, leading up to the Perelman’s proposed proof. Talks will be informal and relatively self-contained. For further information, contact:

Herb Clemens

Mike Davis